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Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 002
Veranstaltungen an diesem veranstaltungsort
Prof. Lung Ying-Tai (Writer): How the Wild Changed Me. A Philosophical Journey: Readings and Discussions with Lung Ying-Tai
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 002 Platz der Göttingen Sieben 5, GöttingenAbstract: Snail sex, demanding deities, a cold case - everyday life in Taiwan holds the most unbelievable stories in store. Lung Ying-Tai compiled them in her novel “Under Kavulungan.” In conversation with Dominic Sachsenmaier and Monika Li, Taiwan's most famous author explores the complex answers to this question. Philosophical young adult novel, nature writing, nativist […]