Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607
Lecture: Prof. Song Chen (Bucknell University): Connecting the Dots: Advancing Chinese Historical Studies through Social Network Analysis
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenIn recent years, an increasing number of scholars have actively explored how social network analysis (SNA) may advance the understanding of Chinese history and literature. These explorations have underscored the pressing need for methodological reflections and the most appropriate subjects for network analysis. Drawing on my research in the areas of prosopography and local religion, […]
Vortrag Francois Gipoloux, CNRS Paris: The paradox of Wealthy Merchants and Weak Capital Accumulation in Late Imperial China
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenTuesday, January 24, 18:15 – 19:45 KWZ 0.607 Abstract: This presentation proposes another interpretation of the Europe/China divergence, based on a redefinition of capitalism in much broader terms than its mere reduction to the industrial revolution. It recalls the reasons why Chinese merchant networks did not formalize autonomous institutions, in order to confer a perennial […]
Dominique Hertzer: „Die Resonanz von Körper und Geist – Zur Philosophie des Geistes im Chinesischen Denken“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Die chinesische Vorstellung vom „Geist“ (shen 神) wird oftmals mit der westlichen Vorstellung von der „Psyche“ oder „der Seele“ gleichgesetzt. Doch gibt es im Chinesischen Denken überhaupt Vorstellungen, die unseren Begriffen von Psyche oder Seele entsprechen? Ausgehend von den klassischen Fragen des Leib-Seele Diskurses im Abendland werden wir uns der chinesischen Vorstellung nähern, die […]
Dr. Zhang Chunjie (University of California, Davis): „Weber, China, and Cultural Pessimism“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: This talk attempts to read Max Weber's treatise on Chinese Confucianism and Taoism, contained in his magnum opus Wirtschaftsethik der Weltreligionen, as a critique of a rationalism that Weber sees as the core component of Christian puritanism and as the foundational force for the rise of capitalism in Europe and America. This talk is […]