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Primary Organizer: Akademisches Konfuzius-Institut Göttingen; Co-Host: Ostasiatisches Seminar
Veranstaltungen von diesem veranstalter
Prof. Dr. JIA Fang (Beijing Normal University): „Chinese Oral Expression Training in Overseas Language Environment“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.106 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: 摘要:在第二语言技能教学中,口头表达训练是学习者最需要教师帮助的项目之一,也是最能检验教师教学能力的科目,有很大的研究空间。本讲座的内容分为两个部分:第一部分:“汉语口头表达训练的基本问题与教学策略”,简要论述口语课的定位及教学目标,着重梳理教学中存在的实际问题和对应的教学策略。第二部分:“海外环境下的汉语口头表达训练”,分析海外环境下汉语口头表达训练的特点以及如何从教师、教材、教学方法等方面进行环境补偿。 In second language teaching, the training of oral competence is one of the most important skills for students that requires their teacher’s support. That is why it is as well one of the most representative subjects to proof the teacher’s teaching skills. Lots of research space remains within this topic. The lecture will […]