Lecture: Peng Guoxiang (Zhejiang University): The Understanding and Practice of “Five Religions” in Early 20th Century China. The Works and Views of Feng Bingnan (1888-1956)


Please register in advance: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlcOirrTwvHd2Cw9yScwFKBSvj9vemw7sK Abstract: The so-called “sanjiao 三教 tradition (three teachings/religions)” that includes Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism has conventionally been considered as the “Chinese religion” in Chinese history. In addition to the “sanjiao,” however, Christianity and Islam were introduced to China pretty early and also became integral parts of the Chinese religious tradition. […]

Lecture: Peter Zarrow (Department of History, University of Connecticut, Hartford, USA): The Utopian Impulse and Chinese Political Modernity


Please register in advance: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtceqorT0tH9SiRAQ_2nag0kPuXKM57ZiC This paper discusses the role played by utopian “moves” that were made by political thinkers in the late Qing and Republican periods to build a new more or less democratic and socialist nation. An analysis of four case studies—Kang Youwei, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, and Hu Shi—reveals distinct but overlapping […]

Lecture: Federico Brusadelli (University of Naples “L’Orientale”): Self-government (zizhi) in China from the late Qing to the Republic: a contested concept in the search for political modernity


Please register in advance: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlceCpqjsoGdSFHcpVgh0MWJ_0HIcDGHa8 Abstract This talk will look at how the concept of zizhi 自治 (self-government) was (re) articulated in late imperial and early republican China (1898-1928), either to strengthen and “modernize” the Manchu Empire or to build federal/republican counternarratives to the traditional system. From the late Qing official Huang Zunxian 黄遵宪 (who […]