Student Union

We are the student council officially elected by you representing all Sinology students.
We are your contact for various questions about study related terms and you can contact us anytime.

Even in case of problems you can you turn to us in confidence, we will find a solution. Your opinions, interests, desires, suggestions, problems, questions or comments, we bundle and carry them forward the professor, the faculty or the university management.

We do not only care about such things. We actively contribute to the improvement of the program. For example, we strive for tandem partnerships or to inform you about scholarships and internships. We do not only organize excursions, but also throw parties or host a weekly Stammtisch.

  • Alexandr Zverkov
  • Em Hickmott
  • Emma Hoppstädter
  • Leandra Grünig
  • Luca Schwartz
  • Luise Viktoria Becker
  • Meike Feldhusen
  • Minte Nagel
  • Nina Dettmer
  • Philipp Spitzer
  • Sara Mrowetz
  • Thore Tyborski

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