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Ostasiatisches Seminar, Co-Host: Akademisches Konfuzius-Institut Göttingen
Veranstaltungen von diesem veranstalter
Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): „North-East Asian peripheries in focus: industrialization, architecture and city planning in Inner Mongolia“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.107 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: Inner Mongolia belongs to the Northeast Asian Frontier Region as defined by Owen Lattimore. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, this macro-region has been subjected to various political impacts, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. A recent research initiative based at Bochum and Duisburg sets out to consider especially the transnational and cross-border perspectives that […]